What Are You Passionate About?

What Are You Passionate About?

“Choose a job you love and never work a day in your life.” – Confucius

We’ve all seen this quote multiple times in multiple places. Have you ever truly thought about the meaning though?  This sentiment implies that one could wake up every morning excited about the day ahead. Isn’t that what we all strive for?

iStock_000011999148SmallBut what is that one thing? Just because you like frozen yogurt doesn’t necessarily mean you should own a yogurt shop. Similarly, if the idea of a youth sports business piques your interest because you love kids than you should reevaluate as was discussed in an earlier blog post.  No, no, I think this goes deeper. Finding what you are truly passionate about. Finding what you are good at and how you can use those skills.  If you are a marketing guru then a business that will allow you to utilize those honed skills will prove fruitful for you.  If you’re a people person and shine when in a crowd, then a public speaking role would probably be right up your alley.  On the flip side, if you’re more comfortable behind the scenes then a business that forces you to be in the public would not be a good investment and your success may be – nay, will be – limited.

Seems easy right? For many, it’s not as easy as it seems. Finding that one passion that drives you can be difficult to pinpoint. For this, talk to your loved ones. Ask your spouse, your best friends, your parents, your neighbors, the soccer mom standing next to you on Saturdays – “What am I good at?” Their answers might surprise you and could spark that passion within.

After you’ve identified the passion, find the business that will allow you to utilize and develop that passion. Once completed, you’ll find you never work again!

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