Brett Bales Combines Education and Enthusiasm for Sports Business Opportunity

Brett Bales Combines Education and Enthusiasm for Sports Business Opportunity

Some people might be surprised to learn that Brett Bales became an i9 Sports franchise owner at age 23. But, the fact is, Brett had the best possible background to become an owner of the kids fitness franchise — he ran four i9 Sports territories as general manager under co-owners Mike Scantzoulis and Robert Fournier in south Florida.

“It was an amazing challenge and I loved the job, but I didn’t feel fulfilled,” Brett said. “The whole reason I got into i9 Sports was to be involved in community, build relationships with parents and coaches, and watch the kids grow. The general manager role removed me from getting to know people on a deeper level.”

His way of taking a step back was to take ownership of the greater Fort Lauderdale franchise territory. He currently offers flag football, soccer, basketball and baseball at four venues. Now he has the time to visit each of his venues for at least one game every weekend. Brett sets his own schedule and enjoys the freedom of owning his own kids athletic franchise.

The right attitude for how to start a youth sports league

brett bales with soccer players of i9 sportsBrett graduated from Nova Southeastern University, a small private college in the Fort Lauderdale area, in 2015. He majored in exercise and sports science, with a minor in sports management. His path was spurred by the experiences of his youth, and these two aspects of his life coalesced to form the perfect personality to run an i9 Sports kids play franchise.

“I was overweight as a child, and I never really played sports until middle school,” Brett said. “Every season there was a new sport, and I would join. I would go to practice every single day, Monday through Friday. When it came to the games, I wouldn’t get the opportunity to play until the end of the game.”

Throughout high school, Brett lost weight and began thinking about how he could help others change their lives through fitness — especially kids who felt left out in the way he once did. That’s what led him to his sports-focused studies and what drove him to work as an instructor with i9 Sports throughout college.

Celebrating the benefits of sports in the lives of children

Now, Brett revels in the opportunity to connect with players, parents and coaches, and he takes pride in i9 Sports’ commitment to helping every child have a great experience while getting age-appropriate instruction and having an equal chance to play.

“There’s so much with i9 Sports that I can do to work with children and build their confidence,” Brett said. “There are so many benefits to being in team sports, and youth sports can be a catalyst to go on to something else later. What i9 Sports provides is an amazing set of values to benefit children for their entire lives.”

Brett’s experience owning an i9 Sports kids athletic franchise

brett bales i9 sports franchisee with kids soccer teamBack when he was an i9 Sports employee, Brett said he didn’t think he could ever run his own athletic franchise. However, after experiencing the thorough i9 Sports training as a general manager and as an owner, he had a clearer picture of how he could do so.

Also, Brett said he really appreciates the easy-to-follow structure of the kids fitness franchise, the technology tools that help him stay organized, and the accessibility of the franchise support team and company leadership.

“Some people assume that at a corporate office, no one wants to tend to you. But they really make you feel welcome, and they do their best to guide you and help you out with any questions,” Brett said. “i9 Sports gives you the tools you need and the path to follow, and it’s just up to you to follow and get it done.”

Take hold of your own sports business opportunity with i9 Sports

What’s motivating you to go into business for yourself? If you have a passion for connecting with your community and you think you’d like to run this high-energy kids play franchise, contact i9 Sports today. You can download our free report, How to Make a Living in Youth Sports, or call us at (877) 262-5730.

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